Thursday, June 18, 2009


Here is my prediction. If you remember it in 7 years and I'm wrong, I'll welcome the criticism.

If Obama wins re-election in 2012, his administration will try and figure out a way for him to run for a third term.

Here is what needs to happen first: President Obama needs to deflect responsibility for the current and future economic difficulties onto someone else. He's doing his darnedest to blame everything on the previous administration, and if the American people buy into it and re-elect him, I believe he will want to serve a third term by capitalizing on that popularity.

History is our best source for predicting the future, because when it comes down to it human beings don't really change. I wouldn't be the first to compare President Obama to FDR. FDR and Obama have a few things in common that lead me to believe Obama will want to follow in FDR's steps and seek additional terms.

1) FDR wanted to fundamentally change the structure of the American government, which
is a goal of President Obama's.
2) The changes FDR implemented resulted in more government control and power centralized in
the Federal government. Obama has the same goal in mind.
3) They both believe that these changes are necessary and good. They have more faith in
government than they do in individual citizens.

People who want to change things in radical ways tend to believe that they are the only ones capable of bringing about those changes. FDR was no exception. Does President Obama think the same way? I believe he does, which is why I'm coming out with what I think is a pretty bold prediction. If he manages to stay popular as things continue to be difficult (which FDR managed to do by getting re-elected three times in much worse circumstances), then I don't see him letting go of that power any time soon.

The test comes in 2012. Think of this: President Obama has added more debt than every previous president before him combined, yet still talks of 'fiscal responsibility' and 'pay as you go' without the American people taking him to task on it. How long that generosity will last is any one's guess, but if our current president is as slick as FDR was at deflecting criticism (done primarily through preaching solidarity and promising more government help), then he will be able to win re-election. And I will go on the record right now saying I think a second term wouldn't be the last we'll see of President Obama.

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