Sunday, March 1, 2009

Some Observations...

-There is a very fine line between trying to assign blame in order to ascertain the cause of a problem, and assigning blame to play partisan politics. Generally when the massive spending passing through Washington these days is discussed, someone will defend that spending by saying, "What did President Bush and the Republicans do for 8 years?" That isn't trying to figure out truth of the matter, that's playing politics. Democrats do it, Republicans do it, we all do it, and it's lame, lame, lame.

-In case any of us were tempted to think that Democrats were the sole problem in Washington, the Republicans swept in last week to remind us that they too are capable of mindless spending. Republican earmarks account for 40 percent of the 9,000 earmarks in Congress' new budget.

-President Obama says he is trying to return the country to what made it so great. If that is true, why is he embarking on programs that are so opposite of what every U.S. President did before him? How is changing our financial systems and expanding entitlement programs returning us to our original promise? Is it naive to assume that if our Founders wanted the banks nationalized, our taxes to go higher, our health care to be nationalized.....that they would have done so from the beginning?

-The worst thing about politicians is their odd tendency to believe that nothing was really working until THEY were elected. Where does this desire to 'shake things up' come from? Is it taught at 'politician school'? What makes them so comfortable saying "You know the Founders did an OK job, as did the subsequent Presidents, but it is up to me to really get this country rolling."? Was the U.S. not the most prosperous nation in our history before our current politicians took office? And for the love of everything good, why does the taxpayer fall for this line every time?

-What's with the President constantly reminding us that he "inherited this economy."? With all due respect Mr. President, your mother did not die and leave this job to you in her will. You actively sought it out. You campaigned for it. Your right to complain about the current state of things expired when you won the election. I don't remember President Bush complaining that September 11 happened because of President Clinton, I don't recall reading Lincoln complaining that the previous Presidents left him a country in chaos, and I nor anyone else should have to listen to you complain about this situation either.

-Gas being cheaper than it was last summer is saving Americans hundreds of billions of dollars annually. It seems to me that a great shot in the arm for the economy would be to further develop our own oil reserves. Taking this action would simultaneously make the transition to alternative energy smoother, lessen our exposure to foreign oil cartels, create thousands of jobs, and keep gas cheap. The government should love the additional taxes. And best of all, with our oil companies enjoying record profits, this expansion would require no additional federal funds, unlike the pursuit of alternative energy in the current stimulus package.

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