Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Harry Reid: Representative of The People

  The Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) opens today, December 2.  Running four years late and over $400 million over budget, it might seem about time.  Congress ended up spending $621 million to finish the project.  The Citizens Against Government Waste call it "among the most wasteful examples of botched construction projects ever promulgated by the federal government."  That should immediately give pause to anyone who thinks a new stimulus package that includes federal funding for government projects will be successful.  President-elect Obama and the Democratic controlled Congress have proposed such a package, which we should all be leery of.  But I digress.  As far as the CVC goes, I have no doubt it possesses redeeming qualities, and I read that if you can get past the "ocean of dollars it took to make this place, you'll see that here, content is king."

  The real success of the Capital Visitor Center was best pointed out to us by the Democrat Senator from Nevada, and current Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid when he said that because the Center syphons visitors away from the actual Capital building, in the summer he will no longer have to smell the tourists.  "In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol.  It may be descriptive but it's true."  But thanks the the air conditioned, indoor space, that will no longer be the case, noted Reid.

  I would like to humbly point out that those ''tourists" are the American people, who Harry Reid works for.  I do always feel the pain of those who are elected to office and forced to smell their constituents.  I believe that ranks among the worst injustices in our nations history.  Thankfully we have people in power like Harry Reid, and other men and women of action, who recognized that problem and are free to spend over $620 million of our money t0 build another capital building to funnel us losers away from Congress.  The last thing we would want is to have our Kings coming into contact with the masses.  Oops, what did I say, 'Kings?'  I meant "humble representatives."  Actual availability to the voters ranks just below accountability in the least desirable qualities we want for our leaders in Congress.  America is blessed that while we have a budget deficit, two wars raging, a sagging economy, and millions out of work, we still have visionary leaders like Harry Reid who don't get distracted with the petty issues, but recognize the real problems in our country.  With people like him in Congress, we should all be very secure knowing our government is in very capable hands.  Long live the King....er I mean, Congressman!

Sniff, Sniff.  "Do you smell something?"

  On a less sarcastic and more serious note, a very wise man once said "those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart."  I cannot claim to look into Harry Reid's heart, and I don't want to.  But if the saying is correct, then what we say is indicative of what we're really thinking.  After being four years behind schedule and $400 million over budget, if one of the first things that comes out of your mouth is that you are pleased you don't have to smell the tourists anymore, then I do believe that says something about how you view yourself, your constituents, and maybe more importantly how you view people in general.  

  Obviously I was quite put off by his comments, and I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions about the comments.  I don't know what those comments say about Harry Reid, but I don't think it is anything complimentary.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Daniel,
    This is James. I really like your article about harry reid. It was well-written. "When he said thankful that I could not smell the tourists."He is the King of the masses or congressman." I think that the elected congressman are getting more out of touch with folks like Joe the Plummer." Sorry I had to use Joe the Plummer. Officals need to listen to the great citizens of America, and not their own desires and not to the desires of coparate america and the 3 big auto makers. What we can do is write letters to our officals and remind that they are advocates for us. Not advocates for themselves.
